SUBJI MANDI Pincode 282007

SUBJI MANDI pincode is 282007. SUBJI MANDI comes under Agra tehsil also known as Sub district located in AGRA district of UTTAR PRADESH state, India. In India, Zip Code or Postal Code is known as Pincode.

Pincode 282007
Office Type SO (Sub Office)
Delivery Status  Non Delivery
Division Agra Division
Region Agra Region
Circle Uttar Pradesh Circle
Tehsil | Taluk Agra
District AGRA
Country India
Sub Office NA
Head Office Agra HO / Agra Fort Ho
Helpline No. 18002666868

282001 282007 283104 283114 283124
282002 282008 283105 283115 283125
282003 282009 283110 283119 283126
282004 282010 283111 283121 283201
282005 283101 283112 283122 283202
282006 283102 283113 283123


What is the Pin Code and  Of SUBJI MANDI AGRA Post Office?
SUBJI MANDI Pin Code is 282007 and Post Office SUBJI MANDI is located in AGRA, UTTAR PRADESH, India.

What is the contact address for SUBJI MANDI post Office AGRA, UTTAR PRADESH ?
SUBJI MANDI Post Office is located at Agra taluk or tehsil, AGRA district, UTTAR PRADESH 282007, which comes under NA SO Sub Post Office and Agra HO / Agra Fort Ho Head Post Office.

What is the helpline number Of SUBJI MANDI post Office AGRA, UTTAR PRADESH ?
N/A. You may contact on India Post Official Toll Free Number 18002666868, for any query or issue related SUBJI MANDI Post Office, Post/Mail, Courier/Parcel, or other information.

Nearby SUBJI MANDI list of all Tahsil of AGRA District for Pincode / post office

Agra Kiraoli Kheragarh Etmadpur
Sadar Kiroli Bah Fatehabad

list of all district for pincode / post office Nearby AGRA district of SUBJI MANDI

Agra Aligarh Allahabad
Ambedkar Nagar Auraiya Azamgarh
Baghpat Bahraich Ballia
Balrampur Banda Barabanki
Bareilly Basti Bijnor
Budaun Bulandshahr Chandauli
Chitrakoot Deoria Etah
Etawah Faizabad Farrukhabad
Fatehpur Firozabad Gautam Buddha Nagar
Ghaziabad Ghazipur Gonda
Gorakhpur Hamirpur Hardoi
Jalaun Jaunpur Jhansi
Jyotiba Phule Nagar Kannauj Kanpur Dehat
Kanpur Nagar Kanshiram Nagar Kaushambi
Kheri Kushinagar Lucknow
Lalitpur Mahamaya Nagar Maharajganj
Mahoba Mainpuri Mathura
Mau Meerut Mirzapur
Moradabad Muzaffarnagar Pilibhit
Pratapgarh Rae Bareli Rampur
Saharanpur Sant Kabir Nagar Sant Ravidas Nagar
Shahjahanpur Shrawasti Siddharthnagar
Sitapur Sonbhadra Sultanpur
Unnao Varanasi

Pincode / Post Office details Statewise / Circlewise

All State List Postal Circle List
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Delhi 11
Andhra Pradesh Haryana 12-13
Arunachal Pradesh Punjab 14-16
Assam Himachal Pradesh 17
Bihar Jammu & Kashmir 18-19
Chandigarh Uttar Pradesh 20-28
Chhattisgarh Rajasthan 30-34
Dadra and Nagar Haveli Gujarat 36-39
Daman and Diu Maharashtra 40-44
Delhi Madhya Pradesh 45-48
Goa Chhattisgarh 49
Gujarat Andhra Pradesh 50-53
Haryana TELANGANA 50-53
Himachal Pradesh Karnataka 56-59
Jammu and Kashmir Tamil Nadu 60-64
Jharkhand Kerala 67-69
Karnataka Lakshadweep 682
Kerala West Bengal 70-74
Lakshadweep Andaman & Nicobar 744
Madhya Pradesh Orissa 75-77
Maharashtra Assam 78
Manipur Arunachal Pradesh 79
Meghalaya Manipur 79
Mizoram Meghalaya 79
Nagaland Mizoram 79
Odisha Nagaland 79
Puducherry Tripura 79
Punjab Bihar 80-85
Rajasthan Jharkhand 80-83, 92
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal


Nearby SUBJI MANDI list of other pincode / post office in AGRA district

Post Office Name Pincode Taluk
15 Bn PAC 282001 NA
15 BTtn PAC 282001 NA
509 Command  282001 NA
Achhnera  283101 NA
Achnera Mandi  283101 NA
Agra Barracks  282001 NA
Agra Chauk 282003 NA
Agra City  282003 NA
Agra Fort HO 282003 NA
Agra HO 282001 NA
Agra University  282004 NA
Agwar  283202 Etmadpur
Aharan  283201 Etmadpur
Akhabai  283102 Kiroli
Akola  283102 NA
Anwal Khera  283201 Etmadpur
Arela  283201 Etmadpur
Arhera  283110 Kiraoli
Arnota  283111 Bah
Arrua Khas  283101 NA
Arsena  282007 NA
Artoni  282007 NA
Atoos  283105 NA
Aulanda  283110 NA
Avas Vikas Colony  282007 Sadar
Ayela  283124 NA
Bah  283104 NA
Baharawati  283101 NA
Bainpur  282007 NA
Baluganj  282001 NA
Baman  283126 Etmadpur
Bamnai Kalan  283115 NA
Bamrauli  283104 NA
Bamrauli Ahir  282009 Agra
Bamrauli Katara  282006 NA
Barara  283102 NA
Barauli Ahir  283125 Fatehabad
Barauli Gujar  283111 NA
Barenda  283123 Bah
Barhan  283201 Etmadpur
Barobara Khurd  283125 Fatehabad
Barwar  283119 Kheragarh
Basai Jagner  283115 Kheragarh
Baseri Chahar  283122 NA
Baseri Kazi  283110 Kiraoli
Basona  283126 Etmadpur
Basoni  283123 Bah
Bateshwar  283104 NA
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Pincode or PIN (Postal Index Number) is a 6 digit postal code in India, in other countries it is called ZIP Code, Postcode, CAP Code, CEP Code or whatever name is issued in multiple countries.

Pincode is required for hassle-free delivery of postcards, letters/general mail, , parcels or other deliverable items which is used by India Post (Indian Postal Department) and other courier companies.

Pincode is classified into 9 zones and 20 circles. In the PIN code structure the first digit represents the area, the second for the sub-zone, the third for the sorting district, and the last three represent the post office code. To know more about the history of PIN code, how it works, structure etc.

BO Branch Office
SO Sub Office
HO Head Office
Taluk/Tehsil Sub District
Pincode Structure - Postal codex Indian pincode website